WFN brings hope to Shree Okhar Pawa Lowee School, Ramechhap District

A few days ago, the WFN Team set out to Ramechhap District with trucks of emergency aid. This time we returned to help the children of Lower Secondary School located in the rural area east of Kathmandu. Now that monsoon season has begun the roads are very hard to traverse due to damage from aftershocks, mud, and falling landslides. Many times, the WFN team thought it would not be able to get through, but we kept struggling on. With the support of villagers, we were able to dig a way through for our truck and emergency supplies. Though it was hard, challenging, and sometimes frightening, in our thoughts were those children who were waiting for our arrival and their future. The children had almost lost all hope that they would be able to go back to school because their area had been so hard hit by the earthquake. Their school had completely collapsed and all of their uniforms and books were lost. The people of this area are still living in temporary shelters, having lost most of their possessions, and are unable to provide new school materials for their children.

WFN provided school uniforms, notebooks and sandals to 200 students. We provided metal roofing and tenting material to make a temporary school and class rooms until the village is able to rebuild in the fall. The metal roofing will be able to be reused in the new school building.

When we distributed our emergency aid materials, the WFN team felt so much satisfaction. We felt the gladness and cheer in these children’s hearts. Their smiling faces and their shouts of joy “We are going to school again!” gave us such a heart touching moment. We felt so happy that we are giving happiness and providing hope and light for them. These children are the future nation builders of Nepal. These children are like clay and we are the potters. We can give any type of shape to this clay when it is wet, so the responsibility for their future is up to us. Our support – yours and WFN’s – to the people in this time makes such an enormous difference.
Together we can add hope and share scenes of comfort.

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