June 8 Update: Manmaiju, Kathmandu Valley

At Women’s Foundation Nepal, we have always tried to be sensitive to the particular needs and suffering that women and girls face in the ongoing disruption after the earthquakes. When we learned that pregnant women were without proper food and water, and that women were giving birth and nursing their newborn in flimsy, temporary shelters without clothes, bedding or support, this inspired us to set up the Program for Pregnant Women and New Mothers that we now run in Kathmandu.

But, while we continue to work in the most affected areas to provide earthquake relief, we often see pregnant women and new mothers with their infants, so we also provide special services for them out in the field. Today we learned about a group of pregnant women in Manmaiju. These women are really struggling. Conditions following the earthquakes have made life very difficult for them and their families.

There are 48 pregnant women and a newly born baby in Manmaiju. We distributed 1 sack of rice weighing 30kg to each of their families and clothes for them. We provided a mosquito net and towel for each family and consulted with them about the importance of cleanliness. Relief aid had come to the place before, but it is finished till date. They got 30Kg which will feed a big family for some time.
Women’s Foundation Nepal sends a Huge and Heartfelt Thank You!! to all our supporters and friends. Your open handed help has been so important to WFN’s capacity to respond quickly during the Nepal Earthquake calamity! There are still thousands of Nepali people affected by this disaster who continue to need our help.

On behalf of the Women’s Foundation and our broader Nepali community, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your ongoing support at this difficult time.

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