WFN awarded by Bank of Kathmandu

The Women’s Foundation Nepal has been awarded for the Best Entrepreneur of the year 2013. The award has been given on recognition for providing employment to women through Small Cottage Industry. Currently, WFN has been providing employment for more than 100 women.

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Congratulations! S.L.C. Graduates

The Women’s Foundation Nepal feels proud to our children who have passed their S.L.C. (School Leaving Certificate) examination 2013. Barsa Rana ably secured Distinction Position gaining 87.5% and Anjila Lama has stood in First Division with 78.9% of the total marks. We would like to take this opportunity to say heartfelt ‘thank you’ for all supporters and sponsors. Without their support and cooperation it was impossible to get the desired results. Again, thank you for all you do for our organization and children.

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